Five tips to help with selecting a business relocation company for your next relocation project:
Experience: Do you want a company that will get in temporary labour from a Recruitment agency, point them in the right direction and hope for the best, or do you want a experienced and qualified company with their own staff? Ask yourself, Does the company come recommended? Are they reputable in the market place? Do they have a website? Can they give me examples of work they have completed or contracts they have? If you have doubt around even one of these questions, then maybe they aren’t the professionals you are looking for. Another thing to look for is added value, a good company should have additional added value or points of difference in the market.
Resource and capacity: Does the company your looking to use have the depth in experienced staff and the capacity to do the project on your selected dates? Be sure to ask questions and that you get a clear response, ask who your main contact and key team members will be. If they hesitate or there is a delay in response, it is likely they are too busy or don’t actually have the skilled staff.
Health and Safety: Does the company that your looking to go with have the appropriate health and safety systems? In this day and age it is imperative to have processes around this. Always ask for evidence around health and safety, at FIL all our team hold site safe certificates, key team members have first aid certificates, we have a health and safety committee, policy and process in place alongside ACC accreditation.
Communication: a good relocation company will give you a point of contact, this will either be a key account or a move manager as we call them here at FIL. You should have open lines of communication and you should be able to get good advice and updates as the job progresses. A cheaper price or inexperienced company may provide little communication or advice and ultimately end in disaster for your organisation.
Cheapest Price: We see it all too often, companies take the cheapest price and get let down by the selected vendor. Don’t always trust that flash branding with nice looking documentation will provide the quality you need or alternatively no flash branding but just the cheapest price. Another “classic” is that they have not covered all aspects of the job and will look to claim back there margin through “extras” on the job. Don’t take the cheapest price, in our industry believe me when we say cheapest is not always best.